Ta Tum Tum!

is an onomatopeia inspired by the sounds of drums and percussion. Brazilian rhythms have its roots in Africa and are one of the most recognisable rhythms in the world. Samba is enacted most spectacularly in the Brazilian Carnaval celebrations, which have captured the global imagination in its pulsating rhythms, its decadent revelry, its extroverted performativity and its extravagant exhibitionism.

Ta Tum Tum! has been funded by the Arts Council, Creative Ireland and Arts Services Kildare County Council.


During our workshop we explore creative movement, different rhythms, make our body play and have lots of fun! We make weird sounds with our voice and fly really, really high (but we always land smoothly!).


Wiggle, giggle, be curious.

During our Ta Tum Tum! workshops we use professional Brazilian instruments which are small and sensory.
We also have a sound healing session with our magical tongue drum, singing bowls and a rain stick.
Ready to fly?

Family Shows

Ta Tum Tum! is a versatile musical trio that performs at various venues such as schools, arts centers, and community centers. We bring an array of traditional Brazilian musical instruments such as caxixi, shekere, cuica, pandeiro, and more, creating an immersive and engaging musical experience for children and adults alike.


Ta Tum Tum! explores different rhythms and styles of Brazilian music during our performances, taking our audience on a journey of discovery and exploration that they won’t forget for a long time. By exposing children and adults to the rich culture and music of Brazil, Ta Tum Tum! hopes to broaden their horizons and inspire them to embrace diversity and creativity.


Ta Tum Tum! is a dynamic and engaging musical trio that brings the vibrant sounds and rhythms of Brazil to life. Our performances are designed to be fun, interactive, and educational, providing a unique and unforgettable experience for children and adults of all ages.


Be ready to shake! Beijo!

Inclusive Collaborations​

Ta Tum Tum! also works with children and adults with complex needs! If you are not sure how to shake properly – ask these guys!
We create a safe and inclusive space for everyone. But it’s alway groovy!


Ta Tum Tum! creates a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, where all individuals are welcome to participate and express themselves in their own unique way. They strive to create a space where individuals can feel comfortable and confident in their abilities, and where they can connect with others through shared experiences.


Overall, this project is an exciting opportunity to promote health, well-being, and inclusivity for individuals with complex needs through the power of music and movement. We believe that Ta Tum Tum! has the potential to make a positive impact on the lives of many people, and we are committed to making it a success.



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